My Answer to the Article on Power Magazine – Minha Resposta ao Artigo na Power Magazine

My Answer to the Article on Power Magazine – Minha Resposta ao Artigo na Power Magazine

mar 28
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If you read the article  “Condenser Backpressure High? Check Vacuum System Sizing” ( ) in the February 2012 edition of the Power Magazine and found that something is missing, please read my answer to the editor. Up to now no answer was received.

Please note that the intention of this letter is to clarify and not to confront, once vacuum is always considered a mistery revelled to few people, what is absolutely not true.



Se você leu o artigo “Condenser Backpressure High? Check Vacuum System Sizing” ) na edição de Fevereiro de 2012 da  Power Magazine e achou que estava faltando alguma coisa, por favor leia a minha resposta ao editor. Até o momento não recebi nenhuma resposta.

Por favor entenda que esta carta é apenas para esclarecer e não confrontar, já que quando se fala de vácuo, muitos consideram ser um segredo revelado para poucos, o que não é absolutamente verdade.


Comments on the article:

 “Condenser Backpressure High? Check Vacuum System Sizing”


The HEI Standard for Steam Surface Condensers has been misinterpreted by many engineers along the years, since the first edition.

The turbine operating point of guaranty is based on the thermal balance of the entire process, taking into account the utilities available, customer needs, etc,etc….

The heart of a turbine operating with vacuum at the discharge is without any doubt the equipment that generates this vacuum and in 100% of the cases this vacuum system is the cheapest equipment among the main ones and to which is given less attention at the time of purchase.

The HEI Standard, as correctly stated in the article, is a recommendation and a recommendation only. If you are a vacuum system supplier and you have your own way of sizing the vacuum system , and your customer accepts it, then there is no  way one can say your vacuum system is wrongly designed, unless the turbine does not operate at the design point as it should operate.

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